The Golden Star
A Mystic Crescendo in Twelve Visions
By J Michaud PhD
Aptly described as “A BOOK FOR INITIATES”, The Golden Star expounds the most ADVANCED OCCULT TEACHINGS, never before revealed to the public, yet in such a fascinating manner as to hold and extend the interest of the novice.
About this facsimile
This facsimile has been completely re-typeset from the original edition published by the UMA Press in 1946. With the exception of ‘A Word to the Wise Reader’, ‘Introduction’, the Book Notice below and ‘Publisher's Note’ in the sidebar, which have all been written by us, the rest of the information on this page is reproduced exactly as it appears in the printed book.
For technical reasons, pagination, position of footnotes and the arrangement of the various symbols employed by the Author, differ slightly from the printed book. Spelling and typographical errors have been corrected. The Author’s spelling of foreign words (such as the many Greek, Latin, Sanskrit and ancient Egyptian terms) has been retained except where it differs substantially from modern usage. The substitution of ‘Nut’ for ‘Nuit’ (Egyptian goddess) is one example of such changes. No attempt has been made to ‘modernise’ the Author’s phraseology or his sometimes archaic grammatical constructions. The only additions to the printed book are a few footnotes, and the jewel illustrations which introduce each chapter, or vision. The Author may well have added these gems had the Internet existed in 1946! In short, the electronic book that you now have before you is in every essential a faithful copy of the original printed edition.
A word to the WISE Reader
This is emphatically NOT a book for intellectuals. By “intellectuals” we mean those who imagine (or expect) the laws and principles of Occult Science to be easily explained by means of simple statements and clear definitions, all neatly pigeon-holed for their convenience. The great Occult Truths cannot be apprehended intellectually, no matter how many simple words may be employed. Truth is apprehended in a flash by way of the Higher Self through inspiration and intuition, not by logical deduction and reasoning, though these mental attributes are needed too.
It is for this reason that The Golden Star is written in the form of a story, the better to reach the heart of the sincere reader. In this story two Egyptian pilgrims, Ma-u and Ma-uti, are conducted through the higher and lower planes by Neteru-Hem, a Messenger from the Divine. During their journey they are gradually introduced to the true laws and principles of the Universe. These laws and principles, and the occult facts and data revealed in the book cannot be understood by idly browsing a few random pages, or jumping from chapter to chapter.
The Author divides his mystic crescendo into twelve visions or chapters, which are typified not merely as levels of consciousness but also as states of matter above and below the level of our normal, waking consciousness and material thinking. Ma-u and Ma-uti, the pair of Egyptian pilgrims who are destined to go so far under the guidance of Neteru-hem, the Divine Messenger, are shadowy figures as human characters; but they represent more than the ideal companionship which is occasionally possible in this life, more even than that equilibration of reason and emotion which is so rarely attained here; for their journey through the unseen and largely unknown realms of higher consciousness constitute a pictorial view of the stages by which the Alchemical Marriage is perfected under the watchful guidance of the Higher Self.
Author’s Note
by J Michaud PhD
All the facts and data, as related by the Divine Messenger in this Book, are in accordance with the most ADVANCED OCCULT TEACHINGS, from the remotest times of antiquity until today. They are not figments of the Author’s imagination, but rest on the solid basis of the Ancient Wisdom, gathered together over periods of untold thousands of years, which the profound learning of all the greatest Teachers, aided by Divine Inspiration, has been able to record for our minds to dwell on; so that our hearts and Souls shall bow in adoration to the Incomprehensible Highest All-Father-All-Mother, and the Holy Angels, Princes of Light, and their Sacred Ministers of the Celestial Spheres.
Several of the sayings of Neteru-Hem are based on parts of The Secret Doctrine, that great collection of ancient words of wisdom, so patiently assembled by Madame Blavatsky, to whom the world of Western Occultism owes a debt so great that it can never be repaid—except with deepest respect and gratitude for the wonderful Service she has rendered to Mankind.
The Author has essayed the almost impossible task of giving the name of every Sage whose words have been quoted; but to supply a complete list would turn this book into a catalogue! He therefore craves your indulgence in this and all the rest.
It will be noted that the style of writing varies considerably throughout the book. There is a definite Occult reason for this, which will be understood by the discerning reader.
This Book is dedicated in deepest gratitude by Ma-u and Ma-uti
to Neteru-Hem—the Divine MessengerCommenced January 30th, 1939. Finished September 23rd, 1939.
The names of the three principal characters in this story should be pronounced as follows:
Neteru-Hem — Net’roo Hém; the accent on the last syllable.
Ma-u — Mah-oo.
Ma-uti — Mah-oo-tee.
You can also download a FREE PDF edition of the book and purchase a new print edition. See details below.
New hardcover book

As some readers may know, copies of the original printed edition of The Golden Star published by the UMA Press in 1946 are now extremely hard to find and prohibitively expensive. Hence, we are pleased to announce that a new edition was published on 23 September 2021, 82 years after the author completed his MS of the book. The price of this new edition is $30 (£21 / €25) net. It can only be purchased directly from the US publisher by clicking the link below. Bound in foil-blocked buckram cloth. Colour frontispiece with forty black-and-white figure illustrations throughout. 216 x 138mm, 336 pages.
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