The Golden Star
The Dwellers in the Celestial Spheres
“These male–female men were destroyed as being imperfect, according to the Babylonian Legend of Creation, for the balance of the sexes was missing. They were destroyed by bringing into equilibrium those who did not yet exist, the Legend goes on.
“In other words, they were incarnated as the androgynes, men–women, who in later incarnations appeared as the sexual Race of Man. In this reference to the ‘Governors’ we find a confirmation of the ‘Father–Mother’ Gods of Spirit and Matter, eternally indissoluble.
“The Heavenly Man, or Tetragrammaton, who is the Protogonos, Tikkoun, the First-born from the Positive Deity and the first manifestation of that Deity’s Shadow, is the universal Form and Idea which engenders the Manifested Logos, Adam Kadmon, or the four-lettered symbol in the Kabala of the Universe Itself, also called 'the second Logos.' The second springs from the First and develops the Third Triangle; from the last of which (the lower host of Angels) Men are generated. The Gods—the Regents and Instructors—are actual and existing Entities, which gave spiritual birth to, nursed, and instructed Mankind in its early youth. They are the Shining Ones, having efficacious eyes; they are great, helpful, imperishable and pure. All the Seven are of like Mind and Speech and they all act alike. They are the creators and destroyers of their human progeny, their protectors, overseers and rulers. Their shining efficacious eyes are the stars, and they are the Lords of the seven principal planets, and thus they are on the physical and sidereal planes. On the Spiritual plane they are the Divine Powers; the Watchers, Pitris or Fathers. Mortals need only to be sufficiently spiritualized to know this. There will then be no need to force them into a correct comprehension of this supreme Wisdom. They will know that there never yet was a great World-reformer or Teacher who was not a direct emanation of the Logos, under whatever name known to them. In other words, such a Being is an essential incarnation of one of the ‘Seven,’ of the ‘Divine Spirit which is sevenfold,’ and who has already appeared in many past cycles. Thus the Ideal Light comes from the Ideal Light, and the Luminous Intelligence, which was always, and its unity was the Spirit enveloping the Universe.
“The Dhyânis of the Seven Heavens—the seven planes of Being—are the Noumena of the actual and future Elements, just as the Angels of the Seven Powers of Nature are the still higher Noumena of still higher Hierarchies.
“The Elohim of the Bible, the word ‘Elohim’ being a plural noun and not a singular one, as translated by the Christian translators, were known to the Gnostics, the most philosophical teachers of all the early Christian Churches, as the creators of mankind and as a lower order of Angels; and they are not even exalted powers in Nature. These Elohim correspond to the Prajâpatis of the Hindus and were the fashioners of man’s material and Astral frame only. They could not give him intelligence and reason, and therefore, in symbolical language, they failed to create man.
“The Chief of them is known as Osiris, or the chief Sephirah, or the chief Amesha Spenta, or Ormuzd. They form the second aspect of the higher order of Spiritual Beings and are in conformity with the dual aspect of all things in Nature. Thus the seven Cosmocratores of the World, the ‘World-Pillars,’ mentioned by St. Paul, are double. One set being commissioned to rule the superior worlds, and the other to guide and watch over the world of matter. They form two aspects of the same Deity in the formless Universe of Thought.
“So we see the union of blind matter, guided by the insinuations of the Spirit, by which is meant the Astral Spirit and not the Divine Breath, for the Astral Spirit is already tainted with matter on account of its double essence of Spirit and Matter. With regard to the inhabitants of the Celestial Worlds you may esoterically read in the Anugitâ: ‘Whatever Entities there are in this World, movable or immovable, they are the very first to be dissolved [at the end of a period when the life of a World, Chain, or Solar System is partially or wholly indrawn, activity or manifestation ceasing in part or in whole]; and next the developments produced from the Elements [from which the visible Universe is fashioned]; and (after) these developments [or evolved entities], all the Elements. Such is the upward gradation among Entities. Gods, Men, Gandharvas [or Devas, the celestial choristers, who are, Cosmically, the aggregate Powers of the Solar Fire, and constitute its forces: and psychically the Intelligence residing in the Solar Ray, the highest of the Seven Rays, or mystically the Occult Force in the Moon, and physically the phenomenal, and spiritually the noumenal causes of Sound and the voice of Nature]; the Pishâchas [evil elementals, or the elementaries of deceased persons]; the Asuras [who are spiritual beings whose activity lies not only on the demoniac or discordant side of evolution, but also on the Cosmic or harmonious; or who in modern Theosophical literature are regarded as those Spiritual Beings belonging to the Fifth Creative Hierarchy, some of whom come from a past Universe, springing forth fully grown from the Planetary Logos, and some the fruitage of the first Chain, the ‘Rebels’ of many Cosmic myths]; the Râkshasas [the semi-human Giants or Titans so named in the Hindu Sacred Books, belonging to the Fourth Sub-Race of the Atlantean Race, or the Turanians]; all have been created by Nature [Svabhâva, or Prakriti, plastic Nature], not by actions, nor by a cause [physically]. These Brâhmanas, the Creators of the Worlds, are born here [on earth] again and again. And whatever is produced from them is dissolved in due time in those very five great elements, like billows in the Ocean. These great elements are in every way [beyond] the elements that make up the world [or the gross elements]. And he who is released from these five Elements [the Logoi, or the seven emanations or Rays of the Logos] goes to the highest goal. The Lord Prajâpati created all this by the Mind only [by Dhyâna—the concentrated Mind engaged in abstract contemplation—also called the seventh stage of Yoga, the eighth stage being Samâdhi, or ecstatic meditation].